How to Enroll at G2S   

“Is your current school serving your educational needs?”

Gateway to Success Academy (G2S) is now enrolling students for the upcoming school year.  G2S is a free public school academy open to all students. G2S personalizes education and makes learning relevant by connecting it to the real world! Our enrollment is capped at 165 students for the 2023-2024 school year. Slots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

G2S is a free public charter school open to all 6 through 12th grade students. Similar to all other public schools, there is no cost or tuition to attend.

We serve students from all eight districts of the West Shore Educational Service District (WSESD), including Baldwin, Hart, Ludington, Mason County Central, Mason County Eastern, Pentwater, Shelby, and Walkerville. Busing to G2S is provided on a contracted basis with Ludington, Hart, Mason County Eastern, and Baldwin.

G2S does not discriminate in admissions policies or practices on the basis of intellectual or athletic ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, status as a handicapped person, religion, creed, race, sex, or national origin. 

Superintendent Melissa Zumbach “Is your school serving your needs?”

The 2 Ways to Apply

Make sure to provide the following documents:

  1. Student's Birth Certificate

  2. Student's Proof of Residency

  3. Student's Immunization Record

  4. Enrollment Application: The parent/guardian's physical signature is required for forms completed online

  5. Free or Reduced Meal Application (signed by parent/guardian)

Please have information ready to complete 10 basic sections:

  1. Student Information (name, gender, citizenship, etc.)

  2. Residence (address, housing type, etc.)

  3. Household Information (living situation of parents/guardians)

  4. Parent/Guardian Information (name, address, phone, etc.)

  5. Other Children (under 18 years in the home)

  6. Previous School Information (school contact, last grade attended, etc.)

  7. Special Services (transportation, education, etc.)

  8. Medical Information (medications, doctors' contact, etc.)

  9. Emergency Contact (name, phone, etc.)

  10. Permissions and Signature