The following information is provided for compliance-based documentation of G2S’s “Return to Learn / Continuity of Learning” Plan, as well as of the planning and stakeholder input efforts for G2S regarding the ESSER grants to support learning throughout and following the COVID-19 pandemic. This information is reflected in the following timeline with links to relevant documents.

2019-20 School Year:

  • Following the announced closure of schools in March 2020, G2S remained in virtual instruction for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year.

  • All students were provided with a Chromebook, along with some students receiving a wi-fi Internet hot spot device to ensure connection to instruction from home at this time. Instruction was virtual and included synchronous instruction along with advisory time to support non-academic needs or concerns for students.

2020-21 School Year:

  • Initial instruction continued to be virtual, with a student success coordinator assigned to visit student homes to ensure that any issues or challenges regarding instruction, technology needs, special education, and non-academic supports were being met. Other visitations were completed by instructional staff or the Superintendent/Principal for the school.

  • In November, G2S returned to partial in-person learning, combined with virtual learning as an option for any student. The plan outlined at the bottom of this page details the required screening process.

2021-22 School Year:

2022-23 School Year to current:

  • The school returned to regular learning, as per state requirements.

  • Student absences were monitored for COVID, based on the screening criteria below.

  • Virtual learning options continued to be available for any students wishing to participate in a full virtual program. However, this transitioned to online courses and asynchronous instruction using purchased programming and instruction through commercial courses.

Covid-19 Response: G2S Continuity of Learning and COVID-19 Response Plan

G2S Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Screening

All visitors (anyone other than enrolled students) must complete a screening form BEFORE entering G2S property.

Enrolled students are strongly encouraged to review the screener questions each day to determine if they should attend school in-person.

Choose the most convenient way to complete the screening form:

  • Option 1: Complete the form online prior to entering G2S property.

  • Click here to fill out the form

  • Option 2: Fill out a paper copy when you enter the G2S main entrance.

  • Option 3: Scan this QR code with your phone or smart device for mobile access to the form:​​

G2S Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Screening Questions

If you answer YES to any of these questions and/or have a temperature of 100.4 or higher, you may not enter G2S property until cleared. Please self-isolate and contact your doctor or health department for further guidance.

In the past 24 hours have you experienced any of the following symptoms? 

  • Subjective Fever (felt feverish)

  • Experienced: New or Worsening Cough

  • Shortness of Breath

  • Sore Throat

  • Vomiting/Diarrhea

  • Loss of Taste or Smell

In the past 14 days have you:

  • Have you had close contact in the last 14 days with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19?

  • Have you engaged in any activity or travel within the last 14 days which fails to comply with the guidance to social distance, mask, and sanitize hands?

  • Have you been directed or told by the local health department or your healthcare provider to self-isolate or self-quarantine?

You must agree to G2S Rules:

  • Social distancing, regular hand washing and/or use of hand sanitizer, and a properly worn face covering.

You must agree to wear a properly worn face covering over your mouth and nose for the duration of your time at G2S.

You must attest that the answers you have provided are true and correct to the best of your knowledge.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact us.