Student Resources

Cutting-Edge Recording Studio

Under the direction of Tony Johnston, G2S has the most innovative and cutting-edge recording studio in the region. Looking to create some music tracks, or want to create your own podcast? Click on the video and listen as Mr. Johnston gives us a world-class tour.



Resource page for students of upcoming events, happenings, and resources for you to navigate your world. They include, but are not limited to:

  • McKinney-Vento Resources

    The McKinney-Vento Act ensures educational rights and protections for homeless children and youth. Various living arrangements meet the McKinney- Vento definition of homeless, thereby qualifying the child or youth as eligible for services under the Act.

  • Lakeshore Food Club

    G2S Academy food access with opened hours during the school day and an emphasis on consumer choice, was identified as a solution to serve families and persons in a way that promotes dignity and self-sufficiency.

  • Michigan Works!

    To continually improve a workforce development system that produces a workforce with the required skills to attract, retain and expand business, and enhance our regional economy for G2S Academy students.

  • Learning Recources

    Resources, supports, and ideas for Project-Based Learning and the place holder for everything learning while at G2S Academy.

  • Student Handbook: 2023-2024

    Everything you need to know about being a student at G2S Academy.

  • Enrollment Form

    G2S Academy Enrollment Form to begin your learning journey. Come join the Wolfpack Nation and join the PACK!

  • Michigan Works!

    To continually improve a workforce development system that produces a workforce with the required skills to attract, retain and expand business, and enhance our regional economy for G2S Academy students.

  • Learning Recources

    Resources, supports, and ideas for Project-Based Learning and the place holder for everything learning while at G2S Academy.